The WTBTS is rejoicing at gaining their longed for legal status throughout every region in Germany, but many German J.W.'s have/will discover what it really means for their congregations.
The wording on their web site should alert J.W.'s to the real motive behind the cult's determination to achieve legal status - money!
"The decision is significant for the Witnesses because even though they have been present in Germany for well over 100 years, their national headquarters and the thousands of congregations in the country were considered independent religious associations."
Why would numerous congregations being "independent" be a problem for "mother" in the U.S.? The org in Germany (and by extension, Warwick) now has legal & central control over every congregation and K.H. Corporate J.W.-dom doesn't permit independent thinking, so it's not going to tolerate independent congregations. The org will continue to sell off local K.H.'s throughout the world via merging & consolidation - and convince some J.W.'s that it is a good thing.